Friday, November 11, 2005

Triumvirate no More

We have decided to move our finance guy up to CEO. The we being me and the finance guy. The marketing guy, who fashions himself the CEO and the third member of the old rule-by-committee triumvirate, doesn't know yet. We'll probably tell him today.

We need a CEO to tighten up the groups and enforce some accountability and structure. Our finance guy is the perfect candidate because he knows every important facet of the business, is currently managing the sales department and is good with customers. Whereas our marketing guy... well we're not even sure what he does any more.

What we expect from the CEO is:
  1. Managers will take more responsibility in performing their duties.
  2. The marketing group will become more responsible and productive and actually deliver marketing.
  3. The sales group WILL make the calls.
  4. The engineering group will have more product direction.
And most importantly, if these things don't happen, the CEO can and will take action.

I'll keep you posted.


Blogger SJM said...

Yeah, the CEO goes out to the woodshed (its actually a dumpster) and ends it.

However, long before that he'll enforce some accountability amongst the other managers and take them out to the woodshed/dumpster if they don't produce.

8:22 AM  

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