Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Jokers to the left

Over the years we have developed a real appreciation for our first rule of business: Hire Slow, Fire Quick. Just because we appreciate this rule however, doesn't mean we can actually use it, which brings me to our corollary to the first rule of business: It's easy to learn from mistakes, try doing something about it.

Back to our first rule, we haven't been too successful in executing either side of that rule. We've hired jokers too quickly when we shouldn't have and we've kept dead wood around when we shouldn't have. This rule is also self perpetuating. For example if you hire a joker CEO or VP too quickly, they will hire more jokers too quickly and fire the dead wood too slowly.

When hiring, get a good recruiter and let them find the A-list players. You want people that will bring more than the job description. You want people that will do what it takes to be successful. If you can't afford a top notch head hunter, take your time in filling the position. Do not hire friends, friends of friends or associates from previous jobs until they have been thoroughly vetted and compared with outside candidates. Trust your intuition and don't ever, ever, under any circumstances hire anyone from DEC or WANG.

When firing, don't hesitate. If you identify a person as dead wood act fast. You NEVER need a warm body in a position, never. It is less costly to hire someone good than to keep someone not good. Having dead wood around affects management, other employees and customers.

And on a final note, don't ever try to rule by committee. It's a sure way to break the first rule of business.


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