Thursday, December 08, 2005

Honeymoon is over

Well the honeymoon is over. Our new sales guy has been here one week and our CEO is already complaining about him. Apparently he sent out a quote that didn't include a sales pitch. The quote went out in a simple two sentence email. It didn't have any marketing words about how great our products are and how they are better than the competition, et cetera. This sounds like a marketing issue, but what do I know.

Our old sales director was either afraid to send out quotes because of the lack of marketing material or would send them with a fifty paragraph email. Absolutely no one reads a fifty paragraph email.

I guess you just can't win.

So far I like the new guy. I'd rather see the calls being made and the quotes going out.

And now we have our CEO writing the marketing material to include with the quotes and calls. It just might work.


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